Math and Art: The Golden Ratio

One of the most fascinating things to me is the relationship between math and art. I think its because I failed to see it for so long that I am constantly blown away by the fact that math goes beyond addition and subtraction and art at is core is mathematical. The golden ratio (Fibonacci sequence) is a perfect example of this. This 

What is the golden ratio (Fibonacci sequence) ? 

Here is a link to a very thorough Art/Math Lesson with the Golden Ratio. Although this is a high school lesson the ideas can be simplified for the elementary level.

A handout for your students:

The golden ratio in art and life:


For me math, poetry, art, and music are all deeply connected. The trouble I have is that I feel the connection that I can't always see. They are all equally complicated and simple. In looking at the golden ratio the idea that I can't always articulate becomes visible. 

For further reading:


  1. Hi Amanda,
    I really like how you connected the common math technique of ratios to art. It was very interesting how often math shows up in different types of art paintings, drawings, and everyday life situations. I think that students who aren't necessarily excited about math would be able to get excited about the history or the art of math by connecting the topic to other subject areas that they are studying. I think you did a great job of finding alternative ways of teaching ratios that will be helpful for your students!

  2. Hi Amanda!
    LOVE your lesson! I never really thought about how math shows up in paintings, what a great way to represent ratios in art. Showing students how art can be expressed in ratio allows them to see math through visual arts. An extension of your activity could be having students going home and finding ratios. Students will be able to see how ratios show up in everyday items they see at home. The students can take pictures of the items and share their findings with the class! This will also promote class discussions.

  3. This is fascinating. I love art and seeing how both it and math work together is sensible in theory but seeing it is mesmeric. I've heard of the Golden Ratio and it absolutely blew me away. Just like music and math work together based on sound patterns mathematically supported by the rhythm. Art and math have similar make up concerning mathematical patterns. I enjoyed this.


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